It was a real hot day again, and again we harvested eggplants, cucumbers, green peppers, and hot peppers (jalopeno, hungarian hot wax, and black Czech). The eggplants (black, Italian-style) were huge and seem never-ending. Green peppers are still abundant as well as the other various hot peppers. I thought it would be a full harvest day but after an hour, Erin decided that she wanted to till in the rotten tomatoes so I was introduced to the tractor (oooh!). It was Farming Machinery class 101-01 for me -- and I felt like a child around a fire engine. It's a beautiful new, shiny orange-red Kubota tractor. It was fun just to watch how to connect & disconnect the attachments. I wasn't allowed to drive it. I helped Erin by loading the steel pipe (5ft) tomato supports into the front bull dozer - type shovel so she could till in the soil.
PS The picture below is taken from Erin's blog (entry of August 11 2009): look how beautiful the eggplants are!