Friday, September 24, 2010

Season 2: Week 16 : September 16: Watermelon Toss

The farm was featured in the local newspaper and my back and right shoulder received some good press.

We harvested tomatoes again : we filled about 8 or 9 plastic bread crates of tomatoes, each approximately 25 lbs or more. We used bread crates, because tomatoes should not be piled and the crates are stackable (like you see in a supermarket the bread does not get damaged)

We harvested about 250 melons . Actually rather than test, break the stem, walk to the tractor, and then return, repeat, we had a firemen relay. It was set up like this: Beth or Erin tests melon, breaks stem, volley to worker Paul, who volleyed the melon to me. It was fun catching the melon and keeping the count. The three of us probably harvested 250 melons in 1.5 hours. A quick calculation : probably over a ton of melons.

To end the day, Paul and I picked up some tall weeds that were really ready to go to seed. Anytime I can prevent the proliferation of weeds by yanking them out or hackin gthem down, I’m on it… We had to tiptoe through the fall squash field to avoid damage to the squash vines.

PS. The delicato squash look very good this year.

The share was : Handful of hot peppers; 4 red peppers; 2 onions; 2 lettuces; ½ greens mizuna, red mustard, tat soi, escarole ; 2 lbs of tomatoes; 2 melons

Choice (3) of eggplant, 1 small carton of potatoes, swiss chard (1 lb), kale (1 lb), 3 “chocolate colored” sweet peppers,