Thursday, July 1, 2010

Season 2: Week 1: June 3, 2010: Hoeing the Garlic

After being given a small orientation on the location of the supplies and equipment, I spent the whole afternoon hoeing the garlic with others helping. This was the garlic that was planted in the fall. We weeded and turned the soil on about 1500 garlic plants: 4 beds of about 200 ft long rows with 3 rows of garlic planted 4 - 6 inches apart in each row. Not exciting but very necessary. A good weeding and solid turning of the soil early in the season will prevent weed growth and foster proper plant health.

Some things are a little different this year. First I am now working on a Thursday afternoon. I am fortunate to have a job where I can take 4 hours per week off and "play outside". Last year I worked alone on Saturday afternoon. This year I am working with a team of 2-3 others and we work well together. There is an farm intern, Beth, who helps with the task direction and training. And I picked my workday to coincide with a pick-up day so we only have to make one trip per week.

The share for first week was : 1 1/4 lbs spinach, 1 1/2 greens (mizuna, golden frill aragula, tatsoi); 3 small heads of lettuce, turnips, and radishes. Oregano and flowers were available for picking.