Thursday, July 15, 2010

Season 2: Week 7: July 15, 2010: Squash and Squish

Our shift picked about 350 summer squash and found a few "monsters" (that is, the size of a little boys plastic bat). I have harvested summer squash at home, but on the farm the leaves are big and the vines prickly.(Sometimes the squash are hidden and missed during harvesting which allow them to grow even bigger)

We also picked eggplants. Much like last year there will be a good eggplant harvest.

We also hoed amd handed weeded a bed of parsley and dill. I preferred standing using a scuffle or stirrup hoe for the spaces in between the rows and walkways. It was a hot day and I didn't feel like getting too close to the dirt.

Then we went on a "search and destroy" mission for the Colorado potato bugs again. I thought I was being smart by using my shirt front to protect my hands as I squished the bugs. I found about 10 on a plant , small to large and started squishing away. My shirt had a red blotch the size of a grapefruit. It was quite a disgusting to have bug guts ground into shirt front. I asked if anyone knew if the red stuff would come out in the wash since it was an irreplaceable shirt ($3 from Goodwill). My colleague asked me if I knew that ground up bugs are used to make dyes. So I guess the red blotch is not coming out, I thought.

Besides a ruined shirt, I also suffered near exhaustion from the heat, nice sunburn around my neck, and skin irriation from the squash leaves (but no bee stings!)

We received 1 tomato (early/greenish), 1 cabbage, 2 squash, Kohlrabi or lettuce head (small), scallions, Kale, 2 Peppers and an Eggplant; herbs available: oregano, cilantro, thyme, basil, summer savory, sage, dill.

I am seeing a lot more tomatoes, peppers, eggplants on their way.