Monday, July 5, 2010

Season 2: Week 5: July 1, 2010: GarlicTime

Today’s shift was devoted to one task : harvesting garlic. The garlic beds consist of 4 beds of 3 rows of plants of about 200 feet long. We harvested 2 full beds (all 3 rows) Using a spading fork we drove the fork into the ground about 5"-6" from the garlic, loosening and lifting the soil around the plant, being careful not to fork the garlic. We gently lift the garlic out, examine for fungus, sort in appropriate pile and move on. Sorting consisted of examining the garlic bottom for yellow brown fungus as well as broken case. One pile was for immediate distribution since these garlic would no cure well, and another pile was for the curing so we would have garlic distruted throughtout the rest of the season. About 4 people rotated through these assorted tasks and according to my estimations we harvested about 1500 heads of garlic. The weather was cooler due to a summer breeze. An official dining place was established under a tarp by the greenhouse.

The share this week was 2 heads of lettuce, 1 summer squash, head of cabbage (green or purple), head of napa cabbage, Bok Choi, Choices of broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, greens, Garlic (uncured), or Kale. The herbs available for picking were oregano, basil, thyme and cilantro.